UUCARDS chalice UUCARDs - Unitarian Universalist Curriculum and Resource Developers

Curricula from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson

Two Summer Curricula for Elementary Ages, by Kathy McDaniel

Unitarian Universalist World Travelers©!
Spend a summer Sunday “touring” a different country, learning about different cultures and religions through stories and pictures, music and dance, games and costumes. Members of the congregation are invited to share their travel experiences and enthusiasm for one Sunday.

Unitarian Universalist Movers & Shakers©!
Members of the congregation are invited to spend one Sunday with RE kids “hosting” a different UU “guest” from historical or contemporary times. Kids AND adults learn about famous UU’s contributions to society and how they lived their principles and beliefs through plays and dramatizations, stories and pictures, games and activities, arts and crafts, videos and writing.

Both of these curricula outline in detail everything a volunteer committee needs to plan and implement a Summer Religious Education Program. More than 60 pages of tips, resources, materials and suggestions for planning, recruiting, publicizing and implementation are included in each booklet and CD. Both curricula are adaptable to varying age groups, class size and settings, and time frames.

[Please order one copy per congregation, fellowship or society. Permission is granted to use and modify all resources, publicity and templates included in the curricula and on the accompanying CD to fit your own congregational and RE circumstances.]

Create a Country! A Religious Education Simulation for
Unitarian Universalist Middle School Classes, by John Shepard
The citizens of your state/region are declaring independence from the United States and have turned to your UU Middle School class for guidance and leadership! Citizens know that the Unitarian Universalist Church’s principles of justice, equity, and compassion, and our belief in the democratic process, will help them answer important questions as they build a new nation. The class will use UU Principles as they wrestle with the challenges and details of creating their version of a new and unique country.
[Please order one copy for each leader].



Complete Mailing Address____________________________________________________________

***Make check to UU Church of Tucson, Attn: DRE, and write the Title(s) ordered on the memo line***
Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson
4831 E. 22nd Street, Tucson, AZ 85711 UU1@mindspring.com

UU World Travelers #_____ $30 per copy
UU Movers & Shakers #_____ $30 per copy
+$5 Shipping/Handling (each)
Create a Country #_____ $15 per copy + $5.00 Shipping/Handling (each)
Total $__________________
[For more information contact Kathy McDaniel kmcdaniel@dakotacom.net (520) 323-6356]